Wearhousing & Distribution

The warehousing and distribution department is responsible for the receiving and the delivery of all the products. Ferdous El-Hikma has two ministry of health approved centers located in the major Libyan cities Tripoli and Benghazi include warehousing capacity of 7500 square Meters. Provide temperature and humidity controlled storage with cold chain areas to ensure proper storage of the products as per international standards which provide services and the deliveries of the products by a fleet of more than 20 minivans and trucks within 24 hours to 75 % of our customers network within Libya .

Ferdous El-Hikma company consider the nature of the stock, inventory control is strictly monitored to ensure that adequate supplies are available and properly stored, all the invoicing records are computerized allowing immediate access in the events of a product recall and customer transactions are strictly monitored and easily tracked through the computer system.